Mega Scan Pro New Edition
Introducing the Mega Scan Pro New Edition, the highly anticipated and upgraded version of the renowned and best-selling Mega Scan Pro metal detector.
This new edition brings a range of exciting features and cutting-edge search systems, designed to elevate the treasure hunting experience to new heights.
With six versatile search systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of treasure hunters, the Mega Scan Pro 2024 offers unparalleled versatility and adaptability.
Whether you are in search of coins, relics, precious metals, or even tunnels, this device has all the tools to meet your needs.
Equipped with an impressive range of detection technologies, the Mega Scan Pro New Edition combines the power of multiple devices into one compact and efficient solution.
One of the standout features of this new edition is the enhanced 3D ground scan system with the accompanying Multi Visual Analyzer app, users can experience a remarkable 3D visualization of underground targets and this provides a completely new level of treasure hunting, allowing users to gain insights and analyze their findings in a visually immersive manner.
Unleash the full potential of your treasure hunting endeavors with the Mega Scan Pro 2024 Edition; it is the ultimate metal detector with advanced features, state-of-the-art technologies, and a user-friendly design for an unparalleled experience.
Get ready to embark on exciting adventures and uncover hidden treasures like never before.
Mega Scan Pro New Edition Features
Multiple Metal Detection Technologies
Mega Scan Pro device is a multi-systems multi-purpose solution for all serious treasure hunters, thanks to its integrated versatile detection technologies combining 3D ground scanner and Long-Range metal detector in one device.
These detection technologies utilized using powerful detection tools and probes with latest developments in metal detection field.
The available detection tools in Mega Scan Pro are:
I.M.T.U Probe (Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit)
The front-mounted unit of the device emits high frequency electromagnetic waves in the direction of the user’s search, these waves interact with the electromagnetic fields emitted by metal targets underground. As a result, the waves bounce back and captured by antennas. After undergoing processing, the received signals converted into digital signals.
V.S.T Probe (Vertical High Signal Transceiver)
The device features a specialized probe (V.S.T) that connect to the front of the main unit.
V.S.T probe is responsible for detecting the magnetic field signals emitted by various buried metal targets, including both precious metals like gold and non-precious metals like iron.
The probe used in two search systems available in Mega Scan Pro New Edition 2024 , the first is Ground Scan system best for detailed scan for specific area for visualizing of buried targets , and the second one is Pin Pointer best for quick real-time positional detection of targets and for precise pinpointing of possible targets
The signals captured by the sensor then converted into digital signals, which undergo processing and displayed on the device’s screen or a connected tablet via special app as it will be explained later.
6 Search Systems
Gold Star 3D Scanner is the first device in the world that includes 8 search systems with multiple search technologies, including long-range detection systems, 3D imaging scanning and other technologies.
The eight search systems provide multiple ways to search for different types of metal targets, ancient and archaeological treasures at different and deep depths.
The user can select appropriate search system for the purpose of the search, or use multiple search systems to ensure more reliable and accurate results.
The device includes the following search systems:
1 – Ground Scan System / GROUND SCAN/
The 3D Ground Scan system is an innovative search system that is integrated into the new Mega Detection devices, showcasing cutting-edge technology. In the Mega Scan Pro device, this powerful system utilizes the Vertical High Signal Transceiver (V.S.T) probe as the ground scanning tool. The V.S.T probe records the measurements of the scan at each scan line and scan point.
The scan data is then visualized as a 2D multi-colored grid on the device’s screen. Each cell in the grid represents a scan point, and the color of the cell corresponds to a specific object type, such as ferrous metal or a cavity.
Furthermore, users have the option to visualize the scanning data with even greater accuracy using the Multi Visual Analyzer app, which can be installed on any Android tablet. This app provides a 3D representation of the data, with different colors indicating various target types. This comprehensive view of the scanned area allows users to gain a broader understanding of what it contains.
With this advanced technology, users can effortlessly locate buried items and underground voids with enhanced speed and accuracy, providing them with a powerful tool for their detection needs.
The user of the device can adjust following options:
- Displaying Results
The user has the option to choose between two display modes:
- Device: In this mode, the device visualize scan results on the device screen.
- Tablet: In this mode, scan data will be visualized on connected tablet inside Multi Visual Analyzer app
- Search Mode
This setting determines the method of performing the scan procedure and can be set to:
- Manual: If selected, the user will manually record the measurement of signals at each point.
- Automatic: In this mode, the device will automatically record measurements at every point at timed intervals.
- Path
The path value signifies the user’s movement pattern during the scan process and offers two options:
- One Direction
If selected, the user will move along the search line, recording signals at each point. At the end of each line, they will return near the start of the previous line but with an offset distance to initiate scanning another line.
This creates a unidirectional scan pattern where all lines are parallel.
- Zigzag:
In this mode, the start point of the next search line positioned near the end of the previous line. In other words, the user’s movement direction will be opposite for each consecutive line.
- Size
This setting allows the user to configure the following:
- Width: Specifies the number of scan lines.
- Height: Determines the number of points in each scan line.
- Start Point
The user can set the starting point within the search area (a rectangular region encompassing the scan lines and points).
- Left: If selected, the scan process will begin from the bottom-left corner of the search area.
- Right: In this mode, the scan process will initiate from the bottom-right corner of the search area.
Once all the settings have been configured as mentioned earlier, the Scan tab will present a concise summary of the selected parameters. To initiate the scanning process, the user simply needs to press the “OK” button located on the device’s control panel.
During the scanning procedure, the measurements taken at each scan point will be visually displayed on the screen as a 2D grid. This grid consists of rows and columns of cells, where each cell represents a specific area of the ground. The color of each cell corresponds to the characteristics and structure of the corresponding ground area, providing valuable insights into the detected features.
The table below show the type of target for each color:
Green | Light Blue | Blue | Yellow | Red |
Normal Ground | Small Cavity | Cavity | metal objects | gold |
On the right side of the 2D grid, several values are displayed, including the current x-coordinate (line number), current y-coordinate (current point), and the search value.
If the user opts to conduct the scan using the tablet device, the user has the option to set same settings inside Multi Visual Analyzer app.
After completing the scanning process, the device proceeds in a similar manner, displaying the results directly on the tablet screen within the app.
These results are presented in a three-dimensional representation, offering users a more accurate way to visualize and identify buried targets.
This visual representation encompasses essential information, including the type of targets (indicated by color), their depth, and their precise positions within the scanned area.
2 – Pin Pointer System /PINPOINTER/
The main objective of this system is to precisely detect the presence and location of metal targets or cavities.
This is accomplished through various means, including auditory or graphical feedback displayed on the screen, as well as visual representations on a connected tablet via the dedicated app.
To identify potential target locations, the scanning process is conducted using the V.S.T probe. This probe plays a crucial role in accurately scanning the ground and providing valuable data for target detection.
In the result screen of this system, there are many options:
- Sensitivity
While conducting the search process and scanning for targets, the pin pointer system generates distinct scan sounds and graphs on the screen to indicate the presence of the target beneath the ground.
The user has the flexibility to adjust the sensitivity value at any point during the search. This allows them to analyze the output sound and graph effectively for a more accurate assessment of the target’s presence.
- Calibration
User can use this option to calibrate the V.S.T probe sensor sensitivity at any time based on the ground type and the scan area state.
- Reset
Reset the calibration process to default values.
The received signals visually represented on the device screen in the form of a curved graph. When the probe detects metal signals, the graph displays upward-facing rectangles of different lengths. These rectangles are color-coded, with a gradient ranging from green to red at the center, indicating the maximum signal strength. As the signal values decrease, the color gradient transitions back towards green. This graphical representation provides users with a clear visual indication of the strength and intensity of the detected metal signals.
When it comes to detecting cavity signals, such as tunnels, the graph takes on a different appearance. It is composed of downward-facing rectangles of varying lengths. Just like with metal signals, these rectangles are color-coded. However, in this scenario, the color gradient shifts from green to dark blue at the center, indicating the highest signal values. As the signal strength decreases, the color gradually transitions back towards green. This color-coded representation allows users to easily identify and interpret the strength of the detected cavity signals.
3 – Long Range Manual System / MANUAL LRL /
This search system integrates a state-of-the-art probe called the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (IMTU).
With its advanced sensor emits high-frequency wave signals in the intended search direction. These waves intersect with the magnetic field signals emitted by buried metal targets.
A pair of antennas effectively capture the reflected signals, which converted into digital signals for further processing.
The IMTU sensor plays a crucial role in accurately detecting and analyzing the signals from buried metal targets, providing valuable information for the search process.
Within this system, the user has the ability to adjust the search values and settings manually based on their individual preferences.
The user can customize following settings:
- Target Type
The user has the option to select the target type, which refers to the specific metal composition of the target, they can choose from a range of preset search programs that encompass various categories of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
For instance, options include gold, silver, copper, diamonds, and gemstones.
- Distance
The distance value represents the scanning range in the forward direction, and the user can precisely select a value within the range of 0 to 3000 meters.
- Depth
The maximum search depth value indicates the deepest level that device can reach using the current search settings.
User can adjust this value precisely within a range of 0 to 50 meters.
Once the user has adjusted the previous search settings, a digital compass is presented on the device’s screen. This compass includes an indicator that displays the device’s orientation, indicating the direction of the north, for example.
In addition to the orientation indicator, a graded semicircle display serves as an indicator for the direction of antenna movement based on the user’s motion during the search. This visual representation helps users track and adjust their movement to ensure effective scanning.
To assist users in accurately adjusting the device’s tilt angle, a gradient tilt indicator is provided. This indicator reflects the degree of inclination of the device relative to the horizon. Correct tilt values are displayed in green, while incorrect values are shown in red. This feature aids users in achieving precise and accurate device inclination, enhancing the overall search accuracy.
4 – Automatic Long-Range System / AUTO LRL /
The IMTU and antennas serve as the primary tools for detecting potential targets within the long-range scanning field.
This advanced search system is capable of covering vast areas in a designated space, effectively identifying all types of buried metals with corresponding percentage values.
The user has the ability to adjust the following settings:
- Distance:
Determines the scanning range in the forward direction and can be set within a range of 0 to 3000 meters.
- Depth:
Sets the maximum depth at which potential targets can be detected, with a customizable range of 0 to 50 meters.
Once the desired settings selected, the user can initiate the search process.
During the search, the antennas will move left or right based on the presence of nearby targets. A visual indicator on the screen will provide guidance through a progress bar displayed in gradient colors ranging from green (indicating minimum) to red (indicating maximum).
The user should track the antenna movement until he receive optimal signals , and upon completion, the user can proceed to the “Report” screen, which presents a visual report in the form of four horizontal bars representing gold, silver, iron, and diamonds.
Each bar displays an estimated percentage value indicating the likelihood of target composition.
5 – Ionic system / IONIC /
The ionic search system represents a groundbreaking advancement in metal detection technology, setting it apart from traditional systems found in competing products.
Developed with a completely novel approach, this system leverages state-of-the-art technology to achieve highly precise detection of ion fields emitted by buried metal targets.
This remarkable capability possible through the implementation of the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (IMTU), which ensures accurate reception and processing of signals. Additionally, users have the ability to adjust certain signal settings directly on the screen, enhancing the accuracy of the results obtained.
Upon selecting the ionic system, the device will commence the search process automatically. The user can adjust following settings:
- Sensitivity:
This setting determines the responsiveness of the ionic system during the search. As the system scans for targets, it emits specific scanning sounds that reflect the target’s ability or the distance between the user and the target.
The user can modify the sensitivity value to analyze the output sound. The sensitivity value can be set between 0 and 100.
- Gain:
The gain setting controls the signal strength or signal gain of the device. It presented as a percentage value ranging from zero to 100.
To detect larger-sized targets, the user can decrease the gain value, while increasing the gain value enhances the detection of smaller targets.
The results screen displays the aforementioned values as circular percentage indicators on the right side. Additionally, a signal power indicator display below.
6 – Bionic System / BIONIC /
This search system operates similarly to the ionic search system, utilizing the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (IMTU) for the scanning process.
However, there is a significant difference in how it functions. In this bionic system, user capture ionic signals specifically from a particular sample metal object, such as golden ring.
The search is then directed towards capturing similar ionic signals emitted by metal objects buried underground within the surrounding area.
In contrast to the random and unrestricted search approach of the ionic system, the bionic system follows predefined signals to guide the search process.
Once the user selects the bionic system and directs the I.M.T.U towards a specific metal target the device initiates the search in alignment with the user’s movement.
The user can set following options:
- Sensitivity:
The user can modify the sensitivity value to analyze the output sound generated during the search. The sensitivity value range is between 0 and 100.
- Gain:
This option controls the signal gain or strength. It is presented as a percentage value, ranging from 0 to 100. To optimize the detection of larger-sized targets, the user can decrease the gain value, while increasing it enhances the detection of smaller targets.
The result screen presents the aforementioned values as circular percentage indicators on both the right and left sides. Additionally, a signal power indicator displayed below for reference.
Integrated Results Display & Feedback System
The Mega Scan Pro New Edition 2024 offers users the ultimate integrated system for displaying results obtained from the device diverse search technologies.
This comprehensive system provides prospectors with detailed information about the nature and characteristics of buried targets.
The results display and feedback system seamlessly combines sound, image, and light to deliver an exceptional prospecting experience.
This is achieved through the following tools:
Colored LCD Screen
The primary unit of the device features a large, high-definition color liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. This spacious screen ensures optimal visibility when adjusting various settings, such as selecting the search system and ground scanning preferences. It also provides clear readings, numbers, and charts that represent the results obtained.
The device’s screen serves as a visual interface for presenting the results within the device’s program. It offers valuable information to the prospector, including the search direction, metal type (as seen in long-range systems), and a two-dimensional representation of the scanning area. In imaging systems, it displays the potential targets found within the scanned area.
Multi Visual Analyzer App
The device is accompanied by Multi Visual Analyzer app that can be installed on any supported Android tablet.
This app allows for a 3D visual representation of the scanning results from GROUND SCAN system in the form of multi-color three-dimensional graphics.
This advanced feature empowers prospectors to analyze the data and gather comprehensive information about the detected targets, including their depth and precise location.
In addition, the app visualize the signals gathered by V.S.T probe in Pin Pointer system as 2D stream of variable colors that change depending on buried target.
The app provides a user-friendly interface with intuitive tools, enabling prospectors to analyze the graphics effortlessly.
By utilizing these tools, users can obtain detailed information about all the targets within the scanned area, enhancing their understanding of the findings.
Sound Feedback
The majority of search systems incorporated in the device offer an audio feedback through built-in speakers. These audio tones serve as guidance for the user, providing an indication of the search progress.
For instance, in a pin pointer system, the device emits specific sounds corresponding to the type of metal target. The intensity of the sound varies depending on the proximity and distance from the target, allowing the user to gauge their proximity to the detected object.
Light Feedback
The VST sensor, utilized in the PINPOINTER search system, is equipped with LED lights that illuminate in different colors based on the type of target detected near the sensor. These colors vary to indicate whether the target is iron, precious metal, or even a void/space.
This feature provides prospectors with valuable insights into the type of target they are encountering.
Easy to Use Multi-Language Program
The Mega Scan Pro 2024 software program displays a cutting-edge user interface that incorporates the latest modern software technologies, with a strong emphasis on graphical design and user experience.
The interface boasts an attractive and contemporary layout, utilizing a consistent color scheme and graphical icons to present the device’s search systems, options, and settings in a user-friendly manner.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, the interface designed to be easily understandable.
The screens and controls are thoughtfully crafted, adhering to the best practices in user experience guidelines. This ensures that users have the most enjoyable and intuitive experience possible, offering flexibility and ease of use.
The controls within the interface allow for effortless adjustment of various values and settings related to the different search systems available in the device. With a focus on providing optimal control and usability, the interface aims to enhance the overall user experience, ensuring that users have full control and a seamless interaction with the device.
In order to cater to prospectors around the globe, Mega Scan Pro New Edition has been designed to accommodate users from different countries.
The device offers a program and user interfaces available in a variety of internationally spoken languages.
To ensure a seamless experience, Mega Scan Pro includes a language-switching functionality within its settings.
This allows users to change the language of the user interface to their preferred language.
With a selection of 12 languages, Mega Scan Pro covers the most important languages spoken worldwide. These supported languages include German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish, Urdu, and Chinese. This wide range of language options ensures that users from diverse backgrounds can easily navigate and utilize the device in their native language.
Powerful External Battery
The device is powered by a 12-volt lithium-ion rechargeable battery, which features a unique external box design with an on/off button. This battery designed to provide a long operating time, which can vary depending on several factors.
The duration of operation influenced by factors such as the chosen search system, the specific search tools being utilized, and the power-saving settings available in the device’s program. These factors collectively contribute to optimizing the battery life and ensuring extended usage before requiring a recharge.
John Strong –
Perfect device for all treasure hunter needs , multi systems and visual results , love it
Multi Search Technologies,Easy Program
Limited User Manual