EVO Metal detector a new generation of metal detection devices with modern easy to use 3d imaging system ,powerful ground scanning technology for detection of all buried objects underground– Get your device now at best price from Orient Technology Group
EVO metal detector is a unique innovation in the field of metal detecting underground.
the detector works using a special measurement probe,
used for 3D ground scanning of the search area to find metal objects.
This stick-sized probe used a unique technology which is integrated into the Evo metal detector
and used to record the scan data for every point in search field for later analysis.
The 3D ground scanning data show on the screen of bundled Tablet PC
that use special application to display the data as 3D graphics presenting the full details of buried object in specific search area.
By using the analysis app, the prospector can know detailed visual information about any possible buried metal object .
in scanned area – such as gold treasure, including the depth of target and its position and even its metal type.
Evo gold detector is multi-purpose versatile metal detecting device .
as it can be used for treasure hunting, archaeological exploration, cavity detection and other applications.
Due to its small size and light weight, the Evo gold detector gives the user a comfortable experience in the search fields in different locations and terrain.
Evo Gold Detector Device Features
3D Ground Scanning Technology
The special measurement probe or sensor in the Evo gold detector
is equipped with a special technology that uses special built-in sensors
to perform a 3D scan of the ground by receiving magnetic field and ionic field signals from the ground,
these fields are formed around the underground metal objects over time.
These signals are stored digitally in the memory of the device to be processed later
and converted into 3D drawings representing the accurate structure of the scanned ground including all buried objects and soil plus spaces.
Measurement Probe
The measurement probe (the scan sensor) used in Evo gold detector
has a modern ergonomic design and shaped like a stick.
its length can be adjusted either extend its length or reduce the length by using adjustment rings along its body.
The measurement probe contains at its top a panel of control buttons used to power the device on/off
and selection of detection modes, plus a start button on the other side which used to record the scan data
during search process at specific point.
Scanning Procedure
In order to obtain correct and accurate results,
the user of Evo metal detector must perform a division of the search area to several lines
for scanning and segmentation of each line to a certain number of points and
then record measurement at each point, the larger the number of points
the more accurate the scan, and he obtain more accurate results.
Here are the detailed steps to perform the scan:
1 – The user of Evo device must firstly define the search area which he want scan.
the area is a rectangular area with specific length and width, for example 4×3 meters .
and divide the area to multiple scan lines ( 30 cm is a recommended distance between every scan line)
2 – The device turned on by pressing on/off button then select one of detection modes by pressing related button.
3 – The scan start at specific corner of rectangular area, then the user records the scan point by pressing start button on probe.
4 – Then the user move to another point on scan line and so on till end of scan line.
5- After finishing the first scan line the user can select to scan another line
which its start point is near first line start point (parallel search method) .
or the scan of the other line start near the end of first line (zig zag search method) .
6 – After completing all scan lines, the scanned data displayed on tablet screen using 3D analysis software as will be explained later
Evo Scan Modes
EVO gold detector device has two different scan modes which can be used for different purposes
and provide different visualization on screen depending on the selected mode
1 – Live Search Mode
Live search mode provides simultaneous data transfer in 2D.
the user can see the objects with magnetic effect, metallic objects, cavities, and structures which are buried underground.
To use the live search function, press the Live search icon on the application .
or press the LIVE button on the main body of probe, the blue small lamp on the keypad will be activated.
This scan mode display and visualize received data (signals) directly in real time on tablet’s screen as 2D graph.
it is updated upon walking to different place, the changes in the ground presented in the form of a curved graph
with curves towards the top or bottom and changing colors representing the type of buried metal objects .
for example precious metal in red color and spaces in blue color and normal soil in green color and so on.
the benefit of this search mode is that the user can scan large areas in a short time.
also it is best to get a quick idea about possible targets in search field.
2 – 3D Ground Search Mode
3D Ground search is the most used detection mode as it gives best results.
in this mode the user uses the sensor for performing a detailed 3D ground scanning – as explained before –
then this saved scan data converted to 3D graph presenting the ground and its buried metal objects.
The ground search function has two different functions, automatic and manual.
To use the ground search function, be sure to make the wireless connection with the device.
Once connected, you can select the search function with the keys on the device or with the sub menu on the application.
3D Graphics Analysis
Evo gold detector bundled with an Android tablet used to display the scan data in two scan modes.
the tablet comes with installed app used to control the device and receive scan data via wireless connection.
The analyzing application used to analyze the 3d scan data .
so the user can know all detailed information about scanned ground area
including all buried metal objects and cavities.
As the scan data presented as 3D colored graph.
it is easy to know the metal type of any object whether it is gold treasure or silver coin or any precious metals
or space just by know the color of specific object (for example non-ferrous metal is red, space is blue and normal ground is green)
The analyzing app have many tools to analyze and show the data and see any buried object
such as box – jar – gold coins – ancient crevices … , plus to know detailed info about it including exact depth and position in search area.
Hashem Rezaee –
Simple easy to use device with ground scan capabilities , good choice for beginner prospectors in comparison with other high-end devices
Compact,Small Size , Visual Results