Metal Detectors



How to Find Gold Nuggets with a Metal Detector?

How to Find Gold Nuggets with a Metal Detector? In this article we will explain how to discover gold ore through a metal detector

with tips and tricks for prospectors.


Natural gold is found within the layers of the ground in many forms,

including in the form of small, separate granules called gold nuggets,

especially in desert sandy soil and sometimes in the form of gold veins

and they are extensions within the rocks, or it can be found in the form of

impurities within mixed rocks consisting of different minerals.

Most of the ore gold nuggets are located at small shallow depths of a few

centimeters and about three meters or less.


Natural gold can be discovered by a metal detector that works according

to an electromagnetic technology via the search disk.

In these devices, the prospector can discover the gold by linking the gold discovery

to a specific number called the target ID, which is a number that the device displays

on the screen based on the signal captured from the body buried under the ground,

or By issuing the device a special sound or tone expressing gold

To detect these gold nuggets, specialized metal detectors designed exclusively for gold ores.

such as : GPZ 7000 , Gold Kruzer or GPX 5000.

Gold detectors are designed with high sensitivity to capture signals from the smallest natural nuggets

within a small depth range that varies according to the size of the search coil used.
These devices contain special features facilitate the work of the prospector

for example, displaying a number or ID through which to know the type of metal

if it is gold, another useful feature is to produce a special sound tone when only gold is discovered,

saving the prospect time and effort .

Here are 4 steps required for any successful gold nuggets detection:

The preparation for gold prospecting is very important step to get great results,

first thing you must know where to search and get detailed info about search area.

like soil type and land ownership as you must obtain permissions before searching

for gold nuggets on private lands or mining company lands.


Purchasing A Gold Detector Device

You must purchase a metal detector device to find gold nuggets.

the device must be easy to use and lightweight

and you must choose right device for your needs and conditions.
It is recommended to get a high-frequency detector as it more sensitive to gold

and look for automatic ground balance controls adjust automatically according to the iron content in the rocks.

Also choose a detector that displays the depth of the detected object,

it will help you to know precisely how far down you need to excavate.

Buy coils in multiple sizes as larger coils will find larger objects at greater depths,

while smaller coils will find smaller objects at shallower depths.

Also purchase a pair of high-quality headphones that muffle outside noise

and enhance the faint sound made when nuggets are detected.


Practice Using Your Metal Detector

1 – Assemble your metal detector by following the manufacturer’s instructions

2 – Practice using your metal detector at home.

3 – Don’t practice outdoors with the detector until you become proficient at operating it.

4 – Place metal objects like bottle caps, can tabs, coins, nails and gold jewelry on a wooden table.

5 – Run the detector over each object to get an idea of what the detector will sound like when it encounters these metals.


Use Your Metal Detector To Search For Gold Nuggets

1 – Transport yourself and your equipment to the area that you have chosen to prospect

2- On the land move the metal detectors coils side-to-side and low along the surface of the ground.

Avoid sweeping in a pendulum pattern in which the detector comes up high off of the surface of the ground

when it goes to the far right or far left in your sweeping pattern

3 – Perform overlapping sweeps. If you do not slightly overlap your sweeps, then you may miss small deposits between swept areas

4 – Treat all positive findings as indicators of larger deposits.

Gold rarely occurs in small swaths, so prepare to excavate more deeply if you find a small nugget.


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